Got Smart - Social Media

Mobile phones got smart!
In 2009 I got my first Blackberry and I got smart. Suddenly, computers were more than email related, and mobile was the way a boyfriend should be – close by. They 'the computers' had strange things taking place which I could not see. My sons would go crazy with rolling eyes as my awe was filled with unknown fear and disgust. Strong words for strong feelings.  I’ll blame it on ‘the apps’ and the ‘imaginary people’ and those crazy ‘viruses that can crash metal & plastic’. That’s why I must start with the internet – a dragon to slay.
“You’re talking to the imaginary people again. When will you stop? I hope you are getting your school work done? They are not real; no one exists in a computer? This can’t be a game on a computer talking back at you, sounding human!”  My words were filled with annoyance to my sons, a regular conversation, which they chuckled at in despair at my archaic understanding.
Finally I discovered Facebook and Farmville and I got caught! Everyday, I had to wake up to water my plants, trade, etc. Secretly, my competitive drive kicked in and I wanted to beat the imaginary folks with high scores! My obsession, and addiction quickly taking over, making me one of them! 
Fast forward- present day. I love the internet, and being connected on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Whats App, Hangouts, Google, Instagram, Periscope those I use a lot. I’m always searching for ways to improve and stay connected.  Blackberry had my heart and Samsung slipped right in and rocked me senseless into a relationship that keeps my love alive! I had to learn about the apps, the games, software, hardware, malware. Felt almost like a doctor with viruses and engineer troubleshooting, when my sons were not fast enough with the remedy. I learnt to save, and what to do when a crash occurs, but I’m yet to learn about programming – that’s next!
I can build a website, and run a business online. Yes, its all real to me now!
So here you are, this beautiful collage of people, a diversity of history and knowledge to rival Webster, Oxford & Wikipedia. You are real, because I feel you through words. I'm online and have joined the 'smartphone smart-world'.
I've discovered communities I trust, and engage in conversations I may have never had. There is a lot for millennials to understand about change and how the older generation has been forced to adapt, almost like going to the moon. Indeed I was surprised to learn from my mom, she had an email address, she got at a cyber cafe! Mom can't ever remember the password, but I'm thrilled she tried, even if secretly - but I understand.
Really, its about not being afraid of the unknown, and it is scary - technology!
I think there are many positive personal development opportunities with social media. Having a mobile smart-phone does make being social very present, real and available. I've found the following;
Twitter helps with brevity - get your message out with minimal words and for further reading there can be attachments. Follow, be followed, and try to interact with persons that share your interests. Develop your network as broadly as you like, but stay within your interests. Random following is just 'crazy'. 
LinkedIn helps with personal brand development - have your resume ready at all times and keep updating. Develop relationships with like minded professionals you would want to associate with publicly! Share, communicate, and add value to those in your network. Nurture relationships, while building your online visibility! Learn, read, get professional social!
Facebook helps to keep one connected across the board. Family, friends, and business ( careful with content if using for business, don't mix personal intimate details). You can find most people and they CAN find you. It's considered 'revelation book', snoop book, stalker book, CIA, FBI and anything else that indicates getting into other peoples business! It can be the 'Jerry Springer' of social media, and that's not all good. It can also save lives, and create community!
The world is definitely smart and the discovery has made my life bigger than I thought possible. I can see, feel, and dream, reaching towards my creative best! 
"Mom, what are you doing" my son asks "are you talking to those imaginary people again?" O dear, I just got busted, caught on Facebook / LinkedIn /Twitter!
Thank you for reading, liking, commenting and sharing! Let me know how you adapt to change with this social media world and how it influences your world!
You can also share with me on Facebook and Twitter. I like hearing from you!
© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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