Give Yourself More

Give yourself the power of more through learning! 

The last six months of this pandemic has given me some great opportunities to explore LinkedIn Learning as well as a number of courses online via Coursera. I love learning, and as I try to focus on completing my major studies, it is good to work on my weak areas.

Understanding the many things I can do with Microsoft  Excel has been the biggest reward from LinkedIn Learning to date - and worth the subscription. It is not a walk in the park, as its self-learning and best to practice each skill. A course which is 4 hours can become 4 or 14 days based on attention and effort. Credentials are only as good as the work you are able to do after certification, thus I’m suggesting you spend the time to get it done right. Also, the videos are amazingly well done in bite sizes, and easy to follow. Adding the link here for you to check out the Excel Lessons selected. Master Microsoft Excel on LinkedIn 

Another great learning platform has been Coursera. I’ve been a Coursera student for many years and can safely say they deliver on quality, over and over. From my courses completed and progressing, I’m not going to tell you it’s easy – no way. However, the way each week’s work is set, you can take your time and reset as needed. Depending on the course it may be a month six weeks or more, but the value to your career is ‘ginormous’.  I’m going to share a link to one of my favorite courses – but I’m seriously into them all! Mind shift: Break through Obstacles to learning and discover your hidden potential - McMaster University hosted by Coursera.

 Are you a lifelong learner like me, and do you get a thrill out of discovering new stuff? Do you want to upskill, or do you need a confidence boost right now?  Give yourself some power through learning. It is a great way to enhance your knowledge base and can be fun!

Just had to share because I'm so grateful for these learning opportunities!

Keep safe and discover more!


Photo Credit: bram-naus/unsplash,com

Copyright © 2020 Donna-Luisa Eversley and Dwordslayer. All Rights Reserved



Sleepless but inspired

 Hey world...

I’ve been anxious, worried, and afraid.

There is a lot of stuff going on this year, and as December draws near, it feels as though I am depleted. There is nothing more I can give. Sleep is hard, because I won’t allow myself the freedom to accept that I’ve been speeding through life, because if I drive slowly, my dreams will leave me.

So how are you doing today human? When do you stop pushing yourself beyond what is possible? Who is chasing you when you are chasing your dreams with those ridiculous deadlines set, because your survival is not based on nutrition, but on some standards mere mortals will never attain?

Stop. Slow down. Breathe.

The eye of the storm is where you need to find calm, peace, and acceptance of self. It is okay to stop because you need to. Let everything that matters become what does not matter because you need to take care of you.

Be brave and be vulnerable. Cry. Free yourself of the things that make you anxious, worried, and afraid. Action requires precision in movement, and focus on the goal, it is in front of you.

This is not complicated. Life is not as complex as we sometimes imagine.

The sun is going to shine in the morning, or maybe it will rain. You will rise up and slay the day because you are conditioned to do that. Everything around you will continue as it was going to anyway. Fear does not stand a chance because you have faced every moment before now – and you are still standing.

You are human. You are capable. You are real, and all that matters will be there when you can walk up to it. Take a few moments and breathe. Life is being lived and you are going to do better, with every step.

I am grateful for you on this journey with me. Grateful for my awesome life. 

Its 1:53am and time to sleep!

Photo Credit: Lenin Estrada/unsplash,com  

Copyright © 2020 Donna-Luisa Eversley and Dwordslayer. All Rights Reserved


Picture Perfect

                  Life is never Picture Perfect!

The selfie is a wonderful creation in my opinion. I can set the camera to take that 'perfect pic', positioning myself, lighting, smile, and any other expression. I can delete the ones that look uncomplimentary and anything that spoofs what the public sees. 

Life is picture perfect when its presented, and the memories will hide what folks should not see sometimes. Weaknesses and failures are not on display. 

Hmm, but life is never picture perfect. 

Looking back at the early years, it seems that  now, I'm recalling the heartaches, pains, hurts, and griefs, as the good times, success, and wonderful childhood adventures together. That perfect picture does not exist in my memory. It does not exist in truth. 

Balancing on the tightrope is what helps to get to the next level stronger. Its how I became stronger. Accepting the learning from the challenges and setbacks had its rewards.

Reflecting makes me cry sometimes. Life was never picture perfect like the books and movies watched later on. My together family was broken early on, and my mother never fully recovered from the fairytale lost, and the toad my father turned into. 

Yet, I recall the many trips to the beaches via bus rides, the visits to the zoo and botanic gardens, the picnic carnival affairs, and the way she sewed her four daughters a new garment for each of these events. Her sacrifice was her service as a parent, teacher, mother.

We now get to take out these selfies and photographs, videos and recordings to capture each moment. Be true in the collection of your memories. Let the less than perfect images be caught, shared and kept, to tell your real journey. 

Your learnings are in the ways you solve your unique problems and challenges. These are the pictures you take with your memories you will remember when needed.

Take that perfect picture today and make it real!

Be blessed and encouraged,

Copyright © 2020 Donna-Luisa Eversley and Dwordslayer. All Rights Reserved

Back as a human 2023

  It’s been almost the entire year, but writing has been harder than normal. The words would come into my head but my fingers were not align...