This past weekend my mother was unwell. We do not agree on many things, and for a moment I thought she would leave too soon. As is the norm, when I visit we eventually disagree, mainly about differences in choices.My thoughts went to our most recent disagreement and ( in hindsight) it felt like a storm in a teacup, with the teacup being quite tiny. The trivial can be exponential in the moment, passing quickly like the ticking of a clock. Then overcome with emotion, I asked God to give us more time. Thus, I read some of her words, and I am reminded that my own ability comes from those genes shared with all her children.
My mother writes. Yes she writes. She has published a few books locally in Trinidad and writes to the newspapers making comments on current events. Today I read  one of her stories which I am sharing with you. This is a local setting, but applies to different places worldwide. Her name is Maricita  Moreno Eversley.

Consider This

Consider the cross; not any cross but Jesus Christ on the cross. He was brutally nailed in hands and feet to the cross; a crown of thorns rammed down on his head; the spear pierced his side while on the cross, from which blood and water flowed.Why did he go through all these indignities? For the sins of mankind. That is for you and me that we would be forgiven our sins and secure a place in heaven with God the Father. Yet after all that I ask this question:
Does mankind really care a damn about that. The answer would have to be no because if they cared the world would be a much better place. Instead everyone waits to follow on their own trail without a thought about what the Savior suffered. Personally I think people are ungrateful, not to care about Jesus on the cross. But then, they are ungrateful to what they can see, so what do you expect for what is to the majority just a story.
This for instance; the homeless people in Tamarind Square, Port of Spain, they sued the City Council because the council locked the gates on what they considered to be their home. The radio asked the question whether  the population thought it was -ridiculous. Many agreed; some agreed with the homeless people. I think those who agreed live in secure houses, so they cared not.If they were sleeping outside, then they would have voted differently.
People just don’t care about the unfortunate in society. Nobody said one should cuddle them, but help so that everyone would have they in their position consider a decent life. Is that too much to ask? Is it asking to give the Savior a kind thought and try to be a better citizen too much to ask? Think about it. (Eversley,  M. Maricita  May,2016)

These thoughts

Some things seem to reflect the way of many, but in-fact, it is the opinion of few.  I do believe there are more good people in this world than bad ones. However, it is easier to see the negatives  because they are magnified quite publicly. When I look through the eyes of different generations, it is clear, we would like to see more good actions happening. It starts with us. I think we all have a responsibility to ourselves to leave our mark on this earth, better than when we entered; and if we can’t maybe just leave it as it was – not worse.
Thank you for reading. It would be greatly appreciated your thoughts and comments which I will pass on to my mom!
© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

RIP… JULY, 2016

Hello world…

There is so much going on, in the world, and in my world. Where do I start, and how can I stop feeling an ache, a pain, all the senseless killing hurts. That’s it in a nutshell. I’ve sat at my laptop and wondered what can I say which has not been said. How can I express the thoughts which do not get a moment to finish grieve before I hear another. This time, its the slaying of a priest in France, his throat slit, while he is on his knees – how can I not feel?
This is for all the lives lost in the past two months, between USA, Europe, Africa, and many other countries around the world, we are faced with loss. These deaths are not from natural causes, but from hatred and evil. To those who lost their lives and their families. For those who share my feelings at this ongoing war against humanity. For those who love their fellow man, this is a moment to grieve, giving final rites to lives which were here.

The absent friend

I did not see or know you
I’m so sure our paths would never cross
and the cross you bear is not your own
For we are lost
As a humanity
I have not paused to say I’m sorry
Or share my condolences
You are gone, your life
A mystery to me
And I do wish that I could find a way
To take that bullet on your behalf
Give you a chance to speak
I want to say, I am so sorry
Now my words mean nothing to you
I am lost, and you have gone
From this place, you once belonged
I have no words to give to your family
As they cry and share their tears,
They have lost all your happy years
So now they grieve,
With a pain I could never understand
You left without a plan
My anger and rage it burns inside
For I have never met you, and my love I cannot hide
I am so sorry, I did not get to see you smile
Or sit next to you in a train, or plane or car
I am so sorry, I will never hear you laugh
You had so much to share so much to say
Your family, Your friends, you mattered to me
I live,
I would gladly give you hope
In this crazy senseless world
Cause it’s all I have to offer at this time
It’s now not enough
You are now an absent friend of mine
This is a song, and a story from my heart
I did not see the bomb, and nor did you
The time it came, when the guns waged its own war
With a militant at your door
Taking your freedom
Now I don’t know, how to say
I’m so sorry; I grieve in my own way
Because you are gone
But my absent friend in my heart, you do live on
I am stopping for a moment to say I love you
And someone else loved you too
I’m stopping, and pausing to give your life
A chance, for someone to grieve, because you meant more
Than a memory
Than a word
You are the stories never told
You are somewhere that we go
When we are gone
I love you, forever
You shared my life because you were born.


© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Just Thinking Out Loud: 4

To nourish or eat - that is the question?

What do you feed yourself?
As I got off my bed this morning, I thanked God for my life today and got started. A part of our daily routine involves eating. Life requires nourishment and so we look forward to breakfast and other meals during the day.Its automatic the way our body says , “I need food..” , and it makes me wonder what our soul is calling out for.
Yes, these thoughts are spiritual and by that action alone, nourishment is needed for my Spirit. Sometimes I awake with a song of praise in my mind.. today I’m hearing , “ my help, my help, all of my help cometh from the Lord..” I wonder if this is my call for more food. Just as I feel the ache in my stomach, my soul will send me a reminder, that it needs something.
What we digest comes from what we put into our bodies. Would you eat food which is unhealthy, or will cause you intense pain intentionally? Sometimes I do. I consume many calories which are not healthy but wow they taste good. Then I am sorry when  pack on the extra pounds..and it can be a see- saw. As I exercise and eat well for a while, I feel great and will have that extra scoop of ice cream, or that larger slice of cheesecake which I should keep away from. I crave the things which can give me an instant gratification feeling, and pay the price of my stubborn habit. Until one day my body gets tired and says no more, fill me with good food and let's enjoy life the way we were meant to. My Spirit feels the same way...God says , “ come to me all you who labor  and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..” Matthew 11:28  Thus my Spirit is in tune with our Creator and that call to be nourished is heard! I must put into me what I want to reflect on the outside! To feel good for a short while can cause lasting harm.
Just thinking out loud.
Be blessed and encouraged

© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

As I beBee ME!


I’ve had my own share of challenges on this journey called life. Sometimes we get more, much more than we feel we can handle, but yet we press on. We do not have an option to give up on this beautiful today every morning when we open our eyes. 
My right hand hurts with each key that I press as I type, but each day it gets easier. My eyes and my heart feel courage which at times waver when the uncertain casts its shadow. It is then I hear that  voice which reminds me of who I am, and who has made and formed me in his image and likeness. Then there is a peace and wonder, which challenges me to be all that I can be.
Last week I had the honor of being asked to be interviewed, and the gentleman, Michael Hillebrand lit a fire, and the words came out like a blaze ignited. The blogging community has been ‘my healing well’. It’s been a great place to rest and recover, heal and be revived. As each question was asked the desire to give and share more with this buzzing social media site was like an effervescent glass of water, fizzing out only at the end of each answer. It was published today, and I’d like to share it with you.
Bebee is a social media site which I have been using since the beginning of this year and have been publishing there from around April. The camaraderie, warmth and energetic engagement reminds me of a party where everyone is happy and enthusiastic. While some of the topics are not all smiles as each day brings with it the world’s conflicts and pain, we do need a place of rest, and that can be found at
This is a very personal invitation from me to you, my readers, followers, friends, and the world at large. Check us out at and bebee me, because I want to bebee you with some good cheer and smiles!
Now when you click that link and you read, you will come to a video message. At the end of any rainbow is a pot of gold, if you dare to look for it. Come on, you know you want to….
By the way … I have a very funny rhyme as you bebee Me!
The bees are waiting to welcome you!

© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Just thinking out loud: 3

Celebrating long life

I have had the privilege in my life to know some remarkable women. A few are over 70 years and they have had a significant impact on those they meet including me.Long life is indeed a blessing many do not get an opportunity to live for. Each day is a new blessing, when the miracle of life is present. There are many positive teachings we can learn from those who live long lives. In the past we learnt from our elders, those with experiences to share and advice to pass on.
There are many people sharing and giving advice on a life not yet lived. Who do we listen to when we turn on our radios , the internet or television? What is the substance of the experiences shared? Are they mental fantasies or a legacy of a life lived through and through?
There are some extolling the virtues of bigotry, racism, and inequality having lived a life gaining wealth on the backs of those they can oppress.
Then there are those who live their lives exclaiming the need for love and peace, justice, equality and freedom.
Not everything from the past is good, an example being slavery. Not everything from the present is good, an example being terrorism. Hate is never good whatever the season.
We will all die one day. It is a certain fact, and a part of the blessing of life. To everything there is a season...
How do we live with each other?
There is great cause to celebrate those who have lived a long and positive life, when they say good-bye to the world. We are richer having experienced their life.
Just thinking out loud....

Here are  Just Thinking Out Loud 1 & Just Thinking Out Loud 2  These are short thoughts/ messages as I think about things which matter in my life. Hope you are inspired to share your own thoughts!

You can also share with me on Facebook and Twitter. I like hearing from you!


© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


A ritual begins

There are some things in life which leave a lasting impression. I love coffee! 
Some rituals we learn as we grow, coffee has been with me for as long as I can remember. As a toddler I recall my grandfathers on both sides of the family, sharing coffee with us when we visited for vacations. On my dad’s side my grandpa would give us these little miniature china cups (a few years ago I realized they were espresso cups) early every morning after we said our morning prayer! He brewed coffee in a peculator and it had the perfect mix of cream and sugar. We had to drink it quickly, and it was hot, but what a way to start your day! Grandpa would then send us back to our rooms to get ready for the day, while he prepared breakfast with my grandmother, a formal affair at their home.
My grandfather on my mother’s side of the family is of Amerindian descent linked to the Caribs, the indigenous people of the ‘new world’ discovered by Christopher Columbus. Early every morning before the sunrise, I would awake to birds chirping and the smell of coffee being brewed outside on an outdoor kerosene burner. He had an old tin pan fashioned into a coffee pot and would boil coffee granules and then strain it. This coffee had a rich scent and aroma. My grandfather would use a lot of sugar in the coffee as it was strong, sweet and thick. Sometimes he would add milk, but most times it was black. I think he allowed us to have some with milk when we were toddlers, but as we got older, we had to drink it black. The coffee was served in small enamel mugs if we were lucky, or our plastic mugs would be used.In the enamel mugs we got more, but I had a lot of cousins and it was served on a first come, first served basis. We would sit on the steps at the back of the house close looking at the birds  he had in cages, and the ones which felt safe enough to fly close. The smell of coffee has always indicated morning has begun!
Today, I make instant coffee most times. I love Colombian Coffee, Brazilian Coffee, American Coffee, and any type of coffee available. Instant coffee is convenient, but brewed coffee is special.
Coffee has a song, it really does, and I am sharing it here, while I share a cup with my friend Franci Eugenia Hoffman. She is in a different country, but probably online as I write, having her brew as she spews chatter, and laughter on her blog BrewNSpew. Its a great blog to visit – have a cup and a relaxing chat!
Franci is also a bee, on my favorite social media, and that’s a great big buzz to get social, professional and meet people. We write and reminisce, share advice and learn, and its all a buzz away. You can find us in a hive or on a buzz, you choose, and it will be great if you click to find your honey  on any link highlighted – its a surprise!
If you are busy when you are reading, I do hope you will pause, have a cup of coffee and sing, just because you can…
Now that’s a wake up song!
You can also share with me on Facebook and Twitter. I like hearing from you!


Credits: YouTube, Osibisa – The Coffee Song (1976) Oronbaba
© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

A Job Well Done

An Everest

I looked up and my heart was filled with pride and at the same time I was in awe. Here I stood beneath the silver ceiling, cool and comfortable, looking at my project. The first big one undertaken some years ago has stood the test of time. There was a lot of movement in the warehouse. The forklifts and people were busy moving in and out. The place was filled with activity and action, and I felt that sense of accomplishment one can only feel when they have climbed an Everest.

Happy customers

What are you prepared to do to ensure your customers are happy, not just for the short term, but for a long time? 

As I gazed at the ceiling, someone touched my shoulder. From the moment I entered to the present the workers were coming up and asking when will the other parts of the warehouse be insulated and ventilated. Without words they seemed to understand it was not as simple as it appeared, and were grateful for the relief they experienced daily within the area. Once again I shook hands and held a general conversation, expressing appreciation for their feedback and confidence in the solution.  

Ventilation needed - The heat from the past

In 2008, I met with a customer who was referred to me by another. He started the process, and we both lobbied strategically to get a sample part of his warehouse completed. The objective was to win a small battle for the customers and staff, and then expand further. My first hat on that project was that of salesperson. I listened, researched, and did a study on the location and the bureaucracy of our government systems. We worked as a team, the client was quite serious with this project, and its success depended on getting everyone to buy into the solution. One year later, we were still lobbying and my client was replaced suddenly. Politics can be the killer of many sales deals. Undeterred, I continued and two years later, we got the job, and completed the project. There were problems, challenges along the way, but I felt it was important to finish successfully. During the negotiation period every time I visited my body was drenched in sweat from the heat. I could not imagine how staff and customers survived this business environment, but I dreamt that one day, it would be different.

Looking up, I felt the cool breeze from the fan flooding downwards, on this very hot day. Another smile escaped and noted everyone looked cool and comfortable. I am happy and proud. The sample has worked well, and hopefully one day, they will complete based on this example.

Can one feel passionate about a job? Can one feel happy seeing happy customers who belong to another?

On leaving the compound, there were many handshakes, and greetings. The last thing I heard, “when will you get them to fix the rest?

I have made quite a few mistakes as an entrepreneur, a saleswoman, project manager, ventilation consultant, trainer, commercial manager, and leader. I have learnt that the value of your mistakes is in you failure analysis assessment. When you get it wrong, you need to pause just long enough to see what was wrong, and how to make it better, next time. If you cannot acknowledge your errors, you cannot fix and grow.

Customer service is important. Understanding the dynamics of customer satisfaction requires mapping the present situation and mapping alternative solutions based on your industry. Brainstorm cause and effect, and its impact on ALL employees. It is very important to keep internal customers comfortable so they can meet and exceed external customer needs.

Somehow, we got this right, and I learnt a lot from that project, and providing a solution which works.

What has been your best customer solution experience?  Work can be an undiscovered passion if you have not found it yet! 

Thank you for reading and engaging on this post. 

You can also share with me on Facebook and Twitter. I like hearing from you!


© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

A Multi-Religious Society Trinidad &Tobago

Culture & Religion

Trinidad & Tobago is considered a multi-cultural and multi-religious state.  I grew up with the understanding that we are not all the same but we are the same, and need to respect each other. As a child, I went to school with children of different races, religions and social status. We were all different shades of color, and different textures of hair. We all wore the same uniform, and combed our hair with two white ribbons ( a girl school). As children we played together and most importantly celebrated and learnt about each other’s religions.
There was a religious instruction class which shared on Christianity (Roman Catholicism), Islam, Hinduism, the three major religions in our society. There were other religions, like the Pentecostal / Evangelical, Orisha Baptists, Baha’i, which we were informed about based on the children in the class. The best thing about religious practices, as a child were the holidays. We were given a day off for each official holiday, and we would be given treats while stories about their practices were demonstrated. Thus I grew up with religious tolerance and respect, finding it quite normal for my friends to be different in their beliefs.
IMG_20160705_115222In Trinidad & Tobago Eid UL Ftir  is considered a major religious holiday. Each year, the sighting of the full moon for Ramadan is observed and the date for Eid declared. There are over eighty mosques in Trinidad and Tobago. This holiday is considered one of the commercial busy periods for Islamic/Eastern garments, household items and food. Banks, Schools, government and commercial businesses all participate in some form of symbolic recognition, via signs, food, employees attired in Islamic traditional wear, and sales promotions. It really can be considered a financial integration of religious culture to the benefit of the economy!
IMG_20160705_114415I stopped along a main road in the Chaguanas area, and paused to look at the gaily colored garments for sale. Then, as I looked at a store front, my view was obstructed by the burglar bars at the front of the display. It looked beautiful, and sad, because of the barriers. These barriers caused my thoughts to go to Baghdad, Turkey and the entire Middle East. My vision became obscured because I recalled a time in my history class when there were less wars and less barriers.
Interestingly my children went to both Christian and Muslim Schools, and have relationships with friends of many religions. My eldest son was also a Head-boy at his Muslim college and he is a Christian. Likewise one of his friends was Head-boy at the Catholic College he attended and he is a Muslim.There are times they will debate and discuss world events and yet there are no arguments.Wedding, funerals, we have experienced them all because there is no barrier to brotherly love!
IMG_20160705_114504My neighbors, those who are Muslim, on July 6th will go to their mosques and pray, and feed the poor, then return home and share with everyone a meal. In the Middle East, and Turkey and many places in the world, celebrations will be difficult.There holy period of peace a time of war.
This society is not perfect. We too have radical extremists of Islam and other religions, but for now they are in the minority. Our children are more aware of what is happening worldwide, and will copy what they see if we stop teaching them to respect each other. Our culture is one which shares and integrates festivities.
We do have racial discrimination creeping in at times but that is not allowed to grow, rather it is discouraged. As a people our culture dictates our behavior and our various religions are ALL treated with respect.
Islamic wearI looked at the picture again, and I see the barriers blocking the beauty of the garments and the people. Then I remember, these are mannequins, they are for display purposes only, yet they are treasured. What about life, yours and mine. I think of Muslim and Christian; Syrian and Iranian; African and European; people with differences, with no barriers to protect their lives when they are attacked by extremist militants.
Baghdad, over 200 people killed at the close of Ramadan at the hands of suicide bombers. Once again there is death and destruction. My heart hurts for the innocent lives lost and those grieving, trying to find a way to ease the pain of loss!
My thoughts return to those happy days when I was unaware that hatred existed for everything. When I held hands and sang with my friends with many differences. We shared, we loved and we dreamed to grow up to be big.
Trinidad & Tobago is a multicultural place, a multi-religious society.
Eid Mubarak !
You can also share with me on Facebook and Twitter. I like hearing from you!


© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


bebee celebration!

Happy Independence Day to all the bees and  citizens of the USA!

Feeling a Buzz on your shores ready to celebrate…bees are swarming!
Today, I am sharing some of the words of a few bloggers from the USA in my network who I enjoy reading. In fact, these writers make me chuckle, laugh, go into deep reflection and retrospection and keep me mentally stimulated by their words! For this day let me introduce some of my blogging comrades, with all the pomp and ceremony my fingers can evoke…
  •  Matt Sweetwood  
I am a fan of Matt, and the first day he liked a post from me I was thrilled for a week! It is safe to say I’m sweet on Sweetwood, no pun intended! He is a parent, businessman and an advocate for men’s rights. He is also a social Media Guru  who ‘knows the ropes’ and more. Here is my article of choice for today. He also has an excellent website you can visit to learn more on this link  He is a bee and this buzz is all about us!
  • John White
John has become a great blogging friend and someone I highly respect. He understands the importance of branding. Through his articles and posts he proves why he is excellent Social Media Marketing Guru. When he shared news of joining bebee it was a ‘no-brainer’- if John is there it has to be great! I gave him a surprise call recently, and he is just as great as he writes! John is now contributing writer with Huffington Post and he is on Inc. I hope to one day follow in his footsteps!
  • David B Grinberg
David is sharp and savvy! I am always assured that David will share something he is passionate about which affects the lives of others. He is very versed in the politics of his country and is not afraid to share his views. There is always supporting research when he writes. Sometimes I disagree with his opinions, but always respect his position which he argues quite well. There are two from him I’m sharing today, because of this special occasion!
  • Laura Mikolaitis
Laura writes some heartfelt comments which caught me from the onset. She is a great supporter of those she reads from! We have somewhat complimentary writing styles  I discovered when we collaborated, on an interview discussion ‘The Blogging Society’ and it was great! She is warm, sincere and writes with a mystic flavor. You can learn a lot more about her in the articles highlighted!
  • Phil Friedman
Phil is the voice which is unafraid of anyone. He has a wealth of experience in writing and publishing, a very wickedly humorous pen, and an avenger of authors’ words! He is the reason I coined the phrase ‘wordslayer’ which is part of my pen name Dwordslayer. There are a lot to choose from, but my gut selected these!
  • Pamela Williams
This lady has spunk and wit and loves people and animals. She has some career advice through her “Chronicles of a Mid Career Change”,so far I’ve counted five parts!  Here are a couple posts to wet your appetite!
  • Lisa Gallagher
This bundle of awesomeness is a kindred spirit and a woman who is not afraid to step out of the box! Lisa is a chameleon, and quite funny at times. I’m never sure how to react until I pass the first paragraph. Lisa gives suspense and passion and her kindness resonates in her words. Her collection is quite wide but here are a couple ‘must reads, don’t want to miss’!
  • Franci Eugenia Hoffman
This beautiful lady is Mrs. Brew&Spew . She writes in rhyme, prose, and riddles which pack a punch! Her website is great, filled with nuggets of sweets and savory treats to go with your morning brew! Have a visit of her site and check out the links below which are recent offerings on beBee.

Sharing the honey!

These folks are just a sampling of who I read from the USA. There are lots more from a worldwide audience. I hope to share my blogging world with you and a beautiful place where bees congregate making honey.
Do you produce honey? Think you are sweet? Share your honey; someone is waiting to read from you at
Hope you enjoy my selections and I’m looking forward to your feedback!
You can also share with me on Facebook and Twitter. I like hearing from you! beBee Me!


© Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Donna-Luisa Eversley and D-WORDSLAYER with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Back as a human 2023

  It’s been almost the entire year, but writing has been harder than normal. The words would come into my head but my fingers were not align...